Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Meinhardt Raabe

Meinhardt F. Raabe a.k.a “Little Oscar, The World’s Smallest Chef” or The Munchkin Coroner of Oz, played a significant role in promoting Wisconsin processed meat products in the 1930s, 40’s and 50’s. Born in 1915 on a farm in a German-American community in southeastern Wisconsin, he graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1937. Raabe’s small stature set him apart in size but did not encumber his enthusiasm for interacting with people and representing Oscar Mayer and Co. in promoting their products, especially to children and the young at heart. He was the first “Little Oscar” to tour with the company’s Weiner mobile” and trained many other Little Oscars for the role. His contribution to the film industry is well documented by the Munchkin Star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, and in his autobiography, “Memories of a Munchkin.” But his contributions to the meat industry and especially to the meat industry of Wisconsin are equal and lasting value.

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